Saturday, October 20, 2012

Blueberries and Kiwis

I received the plants I ordered on Wednesday and hurried to get them into the ground before dinner, since we were headed to dance after dinner. The blueberries look good, but I was surprised at how small and pathetic the kiwis were. They don't look intimidating at all. In fact, I kind of doubt they will last the winter. But everything is in the ground and mulched well. I covered the main bed with some decorative bark to make it look more complete. I'm planning on adding a retaining wall sometime soonish, but haven't done that yet. Here are some pictures:

The front planter bed. I swear there are plants in there.

Here's one. A lovely little blueberry plant with its fall colors

And here's one pathetic kiwi

And another pathetic kiwi (I didn't quite have the side bed ready, but ready enough)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Fall Planting

I ordered some plants yesterday evening. They will be here sometime this week while I scramble to finish up the garden beds for them. I have three different types of blueberry plants coming and some hardy kiwis. I think the blueberries will do very well. They thrive on the same type of soil that roses like, and I have some roses on this property that I think have lasted decades with little care.

But I'm suddenly afraid of the kiwis. I read this post as I was trying to figure out how to add additional support for the kiwis I'm planning on planting out front: Great, as if I didn't have enough problems with agressive vines, with the English ivy, Japanese honeysuckle, and the rest of the vines that seem to pop up everywhere around here. At least this one will grow tasty kiwi berries... I hope. And if it doesn't, I'll hack it back with the rest of the misbehaving vines.